BABY’S ABCs & 123s
OBJECTIVE For this project, the idea was to create a custom baby shower guest book in which each guest picks a page and colors it. The pages would then be collected and bound in the preferred way and given to the new parents to have for their little one.
SOLUTION When creating the ABCs book, I decided upon doing animals for this iteration. For each page, I illustrated an animal corresponding to the letter. As for the 123s book, I created a page for the numbers 1-9, each having a specific number of common toys kids have. Once drawn, I brought it into Illustrator and re-illustrated each animal and kept each with a similar visual appearance to the stroke weights and look of the eyes. An overall simplified look was wanted to give it a friendly, easy-to-color, and child-friendly.
While there are many animals that correspond to most of the letters of the alphabet when creating the illustrations, an animal that best represented the letter and one that was more friendly-looking and not frightening to a child. This helped form the look of each illustration, as they look like they are from a child’s book, either picture or coloring. Each illustration of the animal incorporated smaller shapes or an item the animal interacts with.
ABCs Book
When creating the illustrations for the 123s book, I looked for common and popular toys for kids. For some pages, I swapped what number was for each, ending up finding what turned out to be the final book. The final page, the number 9, could be customizable or just have stack letter blocks. In the end, each page has a recognizable toy that many people have seen in their life and could connect to.