OBJECTIVE For this project, the objective was to design an interesting set of three book jackets for book titles of our choosing. We needed to take this opportunity to help reflect our personal interests and passions through the final designs. The jacket needed to have a cover, spine, back, and inside flaps, incorporating the titles, imagery, summary, and information about the author.
SOLUTION For my books, I chose The Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit. I ended up creating a neatly designed cover, each having an illustration of an iconic sword, based on their counterparts from the movies. Around the sword, I added a circle, mirroring the “One Ring” while placing the Elvish script that is written on the “One Ring” around the ring in a light gray. Each book had a particular color associated with it, which changed the bar at the bottom, the ring, and the script text on the back, as well as select words on the inside flaps. While The Lord of the Rings books are numbered, The Hobbit, the prequel to Lord of the Rings, has no number, so to match uniformly, I placed an ‘H’ that matched the Roman numerals used for the other three books. For the inside flap for Tolkien, I decided to have his photo be in black and white, keeping the neat look of the design that used a specific color and avoiding it from clashing with the simplistic and modern look.
Thorin’s Orcrist
Bilbo & Frodo’s Sting
Gandalf’s Glamdring
Aragorn’s Anduril
***The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings story and characters belong to JRR Tolkien and swords were designed by John Howe, Daniel Falconer, Warren Mahy, and Ben Wooton.***
The name is a combination of “sentiment” and “stories,” incorporating two books to create a heart. This version is used on the inside, back flap, and a white, more outlined version is on the spine of the book.
‘sentories’ Book Publisher
For each book, I illustrated the sword of a main character from each book. The style of each sword is based on their respective movies, The Hobbit (2012-2014) and the Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003). The swords in order from left to right are Thorin’s Orchist, Frodo’s Sting, Gandalf’s Glamdring, and Aragorn’s Andúril.
The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
Click “Process” to view the process doc on Google Drive.