OBJECTIVE For this project, the objective was to design a portfolio-worthy graphic design piece of our choice. The project needed to highlight a skill that was excelled in or needed to help improve on in our design portfolio.
SOLUTION For the idea of my design, I created a deck of standard playing cards, illustrating the suits, the back of the cards, and face cards. For the suites, when first thinking on a design, the idea of changing the colors of red and black into pink and green to go with the planned theme that was in mind, in which the heart and diamond turned into a flower and the spade and club turned into a leaf.

When the idea of creating a new set of new playing cards, the immediate thought of adjusting and changing the look of the card suites came to mind. When thinking of items that could match a heart, diamond, club, and spade, for the heart and diamond especially, I thought of flowers similar to the flamingo or spathe flower. With that, the shape of the club and spade already looks leaf-like, so it helped support a botanical look to the theme of the cards. With the spades and clubs turning color from black to green, it allowed me to twist the color of the hearts and diamonds as well, turning from red to pink. For all four suits, layers and along with the two additional shades of color were incorporated into gradients which were used to help create a sense of dimension.
Keeping with a similar, classic style, but still unique and new, the typeface used for the cards was Gotham Nights Bold, by designer Richard Austin.

Click “Process” to view the process doc on Google Drive.