OBJECTIVE For this project, the objective was to design a 24”x36” type-dominated poster to provide the viewer of the poster a sense of us and a passion/interest of ours. More than two colors needed to be utilized. The infographic poster needed to include at least two different graphs/charts.

SOLUTION For my topic, I decided to create a poster on my favorite animal, the tiger. The plan was to have the overall design incorporate a background-like design, meaning, the header, where the title and an intro were set, looked like the sky, with an illustrated tiger walking in front of some of the title. The rest of the poster was green to resemble grass. It is here that the information along with the two charts, a map showing the locations where each tiger species were/are located, an illustration of a cat, and illustrated ferns act as the footer.

During the 2022 Student Juried Show, my poster won an Honorable Mention out of the few that were picked for the top pieces displayed.


Map Illustration to Show Locations of Each Sub-Species

Stylized Bar Graph to Show Sub-Species Population in Wild

Stylized Bar-Line Graph to Compare Big Cat Weights

Stylized Pie Chart to be a Name Tag


The purpose of the poster is to inform the viewer about the world’s largest cat, not only by facts about the life of a tiger or even some fun facts, but also by the unfortunate position the species is in. There have been nine known sub-species of the tiger, three of which have gone extinct, three are critically endangered (one of which is almost considered extinct), and three more are endangered. Scientists estimate that if action is not taken, tigers could go extinct by the year 2050! Like many species, it is up to us to help in their conservation. While this poster means to inform about the tiger in general, it also a warning of what may come to one of the world’s beautiful species.


Click “Process” to view the process doc on Google Drive.


Tobee's Bear Hug Honey Labels


Botanical Playing Cards